Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pagan Law and The Threefold Fairies.

I have been out and about, learning something about computers. I have had a crash course. I think I crashed too. I must be honest, that is not my photo. My friend happened upon it, somewhere on the web, and thought it funny that the photo and I shared the same name.

Over the week I have also been browsing other "Pagan" sites. I found some quite interesting, but with so many "have to do" instructions, especially in spells. A lot of the time you need to go with your gut instinct. If you feel something is wrong, don't do it, because there is more than a possibility that it will go wrong. Instinct counts for a lot in the casting.

I decided not to write Correspondences. There are a few that are available, and are similar to what I use, with some noted exceptions. I am amazed at what people use these days. Photocopies! I can't believe it. Your Book of Shadows is an important historical archive, and needs to be hand written. This is a part of you, your hopes, your dreams, your future and your childrens future. If you are truly a Witch, you live it, breathe it, and embrace it. It is a part of your very being.

What does surprise me is that no-one seems to use the Heptameron. This is quite important, and useful in certain things. Moreover we must know that there are some properties in things only whilest they live, and some that remain after their death.

By and far the largest, I am truly more surprised that no dark magic exists, for there are times when it is useful. In old families, dark magic is used, and always has been. Those that say it does not exist or should not be used, really has no idea, and is living in fairyland. It is a means to an end, it is used all over the world. You just don't know you are doing it. Think about it.

The Threefold Law is deeply over exagerated, and taken to extreme's. I believe this comes from the Bible, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This is a Christian rule, not a Pagan Law. You would do well to remember that.

Paganism does not, and never has followed Christianity. If it followed Christianity, it would not be Pagan. Why bother with Witchcraft at all, if you are going down that track? You either are, or you are not. "And ye harm none". Rubbish! You harm people all of your lives, in one way or another.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Morgana said...

Hi Zoie,

I try to, but am getting sidetracked at the moment.

Another post soon, I hope.